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A place to introduce yourself etc.
- 3
- Reply To: Hello Dan
First Impressions
Here you can feedback your first impressions of the Forum
- 1
- Reply To: Welcome!
First Impressions
Biodynamic vs Organic
Where is the common ground and essential difference?
- 2
- Reply To: Compost teas or Preps or both?
Biodynamic vs Organic
The Biodynamic preparations
One of the foundations of biodynamic practice. Bringing the animal and plant worlds together. What are your impressions? Do you make your own? Please tell us about your observations, experiences, thoughts.
- 2
- 500
The Biodynamic preparations
Biodynamics and community
Every farm has a community that it serves. It can be large or small, near or far. How well do you know yours?
- 1
- Bulstone Springs Devon
Biodynamics and community