Purpose and rules

Welcome to the BDA Farm Services on-line discussion forum. We have created this community for BD Licensees. It is a place to network, exchange ideas, get advice, and interact with like minded folk, who share a passion for Biodynamics and related themes. You can get involved in any of these ways:

  • Post questions by topic and receive answers from the whole community of BD enthusiasts.
  • Start or join informative discussions, or simply share your favourite related book.
  • Share information and pictures on your projects.
  • Search by topic of interest. This resource will grow to be a valuable reference library of information.
  • Connect with people in your location. See if there’s a BD group near you. If there isn’t a hub in your region yet why not start one?

In common with face to face communication we all agree to respect each other. This is even more important when we cannot see each others faces while exchanging on-line. Please follow the house rules that we have set out below, to maintain this respect amongt our community.

  • Politeness. The forum community involves participants with a wide range of beliefs and ideas about the subjects discussed. We encourage open dialogue, but require that participants remain courteous and respectful at all times.
  • Inclusive. Everyone is essential in an online community. Visit often, participate, and encourage others to do the same. You have answers that others are seeking.
  • Thoughfulness. This is a closed group available by invitation. Even so please respect others in the community and think before posting pictures or comments that may be considered as inappropriate.
  • Look before you leap! We want all of you to have a positive experience using the forum. When you sign off, you should feel enriched and in a better place than when you signed on! Feel free to post helpful and relevant advice or suggestions. Please think before you post. Is it necessary? Is it kind? Is it true?
  • No Hawkers! No commercial messages or advertisements are permitted. Please use the wanted or offered forums freely. Please specify if you prefer your post not to be shared.
  • Proper response!  If you see any inappropriate or offensive content, please refrain from engagement and report your concerns to the admin. We do not discuss any user’s account with another user, so your report will remain anonymous, as will any actions taken.
  • Listen, and then react. Before responding to a post, read all comments to check or duplications. Please be as concise as possible and stay on topic.
  • Updates The moderators reserve the right to update these rules will as appropriate; be sure you keep up to date.
  • Copyright. If it’s not yours, get permission before you post it, or give credit and reference the necessary sources.